Eric McAuliffe receives the Prestigious Westin Scholar Award

DCU Law and Tech regularly publishes news posts discussing the topics Law and Technology written by a variety of authors.

As the top ranking student in the Masters in Data Protection and Privacy: Law and Computing, Eric McAuliffe receives the prestigious IAPP Westin Scholar Award.

Dr John Quinn, programme chair of the master, said: ‘The award is given by the International Association of Privacy Professionals to students who are identified as leaders in the field of privacy or data protection’.

Eric commented:

It is a great honour to receive the IAPP Westin Scholar Award for the MA in Data Protection and Privacy Law at Dublin City University. The course provides a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of data protection, which is critical in today’s digital age especially given the rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence. The modules on offer equip students to navigate the complexities of data protection law and have enabled me to contribute effectively to the field of data protection.

Dr Edoardo Celeste, coordinator of the EU Data Protection Law module, said: ‘We are delighted to partner with IAPP, the International Association of Privacy Professionals, which is the largest and most comprehensive global information privacy community, in the context of our master programme. We thank IAPP for its continued support’.

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